Hello, Hello, Hello from Japan

 Alright, finally starting my blog in English, while I've been writing blogs in Japanese for years. 

Since I write songs and sing in English, why not sharing my daily thoughts (often, deep thoughts!) in English with more people from all over the world, huh?

Actually I've been thinking of doing this for quit a long time, but I've never tried. But one of my dearest beloved ones from the states recently commented on Facebook, asking if I had my blog translated in English, so she could read them.  And it stroke me!

"I think it's time to do this"

And here I am at this world's biggest blog site hoping that I could meet and reach new people, or I should say "my future friends". I am quite excited and also a bit nervous.

Since I'm Japanese and usually think in Japanese. So when it comes to write in English, I need to switch the language in my mind to think in English and write, instead of to think in Japanese and translate them into English, because otherwise, it would be very unnatural. Just like when I write songs, the words need to come out naturally as they are. Even now I'm thinking in English in my mind and letting them out as text.

What will be interesting and new to me is "how I'm going to build my own style of writing in English on this blog". I already have my own style of writing and expressing with words on my Japanese blog. English is a foreign language for me, but it's been always my favorite and closest one, because I've been listening to and singing American and British music since I was 13 years old. 

Well, I will see with curiosity and most of all, I would like to enjoy this new version of my blog!

And who am I?

I am a professional singer/songwriter...and more!

If you are interested, I will put URL for my website. So come visit. But this blog is not for promoting myself as a singer(maybe a little bit now and then, lol), but purely for sharing my thoughts by writing, which has been always one of my favorite and precious acts in my life.

I guess this is it for this first time on my brand-new blog site.

A journey has just begun.

See you soon.

AYUKO Soul Quest official website    https://www.ayukosaito.com
