The Path of Soul

 The older the soul is,  the harder the life lessons get. Like school, you start from elementary school and progress up to college. I consider myself as an old soul. How do I know it? I don't know. It's just that I know, although I don't "remember".

So the life lessons get hard. How do they challenge you? From my experiences so far, they are all focused on healing. When you hear "healing", what do you imagine? Feeling good and peaceful? Yes, when you're tired, let's say, you take a hot bath, you do feel good and that's healing. But when it comes to deep mental and spiritual healing, I tell you, that's no joke. 

The parts of you that need to be healed are basically wounded. They hurt. They are painful. And most likely, those come from the past. It could be from a long long time ago and they may be even from the past lives. But let's not talk about the past lives, although some people seem to be fascinated about "the past lives" as a tool to run away from the memories of "This Life".  About your past lives, you will be let know when you need to be. What you need to face is this life, from your childhood to the present.

Anyway, those wounds, when not yet healed, come back to you over and over, every time you experience those in similar circumstances when you were first wounded. They keep coming back to you until you realize the truth of it. The truth is that "You are still living in the past wounds", not the fresh ones. 

That's when the tough lessons begin.

Although you know that they are from the past, the layers of the wounds are tough to release. In a way, those layers have protected you. But when the time comes, you need to have courage to go beyond them to level up! That's what I mean by "the life lessons get hard". And then, your ego comes as if it were a powerful ruler of your life... oh, it tries so hard not to let you go from the memories and the wounds!

It tells you, "Are you gonna forgive them? Are you gonna forgive yourself? Hey, what if the same things  happen and hurt you again? Oh, dear, I strongly suggest that you stay in the same place to protect yourself. Don't do anything differently. Be cautious! Don't open your heart! "


But, there is something that is much powerful than ego. It is your "heart". Your heart knows deep down what the truth is. The truth of your soul. The truth of Love. The truth of your life. Once your heart realizes that it's time to go and that it's time to heal all of them to go forward and further on your path, you cannot go back to the "good old ways".


The toughest part is facing your ruler, Ego. But recently I found out that Ego loves attention. Once you kindly pay attention to you ruler Ego, it could get you drowned again, just like it always has. But this time, instead, you go dive deep under the big waves of Ego, which now I should call "fear". Yes, after all, Ego is your fear. 


Dive deep. Dive deeper where you "know" the truth. If you get pulled to the Ego, the fear, then dive deep again. Again and again until you can finally get settled at your heart space where your soul whispers the truth. That is Love.

Fall in Love. 

Stay in Love.

Be Love because that's what you are.

Love doesn't mean, that you deny all the hurts and wounds. Forgiveness is not about saying OK to yourself and others to hurt you, but about not letting the past pull you back, making you stay in the same place still affecting your life and about allowing yourself to live "here and now" with passion for the brand-new future. 

Find Love in you again. The Love in you is what's never gets really hurt and attacked by nobody and nothing. The Love in you is a royal inheritance from the source, which every soul has been gifted with. That's where you need to go back to to heal the layers of the wounds, so you realize the fear is just an illusion. 

And the Love is the truth and the reality.

Go and fly beyond the illusion.

After all... your heart still Loves. You still love. You can't help it, can you?

Because, that is your true nature.
